da07 eyecatcher

The last main inspection of the electric locomotive E 77 10 took place in September 2022 in Pirna (Special thanks to ITL railway workshop). Since April 2022, several residual treatments had to be accomplished, such as revision and computational updates of train radio telegraphy and the security system "Indusi". All activities were finished perfectly in time up until early September 2022 and just few days prior to our 14th Dresdner steam locomotive convention.

Meanwhile our supporting assiciation "Förderverein für das Eisenbahnmuseum Dresden e.V."  assumed the main task to keep the E 77 in an operational condition. Therefor we link to the bank account of this association for donations. So please do not hesitate to support us and provide a donation focussed on E 77 10. Thank you for your kind understanding!

Bank account for donations:

Owner: Förderver. f.d. Eis.

Headword: E 77 10

IBAN: DE58 8306 5408 0004 0825 08


Bank: Deutsche Skatbank (VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG)

Further information: